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Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) is a superior UML tool that supports full software lifecycle - analysis, design, construction, testi
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Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) is a superior UML tool that supports full software lifecycle - analysis, design, construction, testing and deployment. The UML modeling software helps you build quality applications faster, better and cheaper. You can draw all types of UML diagrams, reverse code, generate code from diagrams and generate documentation. The UML CASE tool also provides plenty UML tutorials, UML demonstrations and UML projects.

Feature List:+The latest UML support+OO analysis (OOA), OO design (OOD) support+CRC (Class-Responsibility-Collaborator) Card diagram+Incremental round-trip engineering+Code Generation - model to code, diagram to code+Reverse engineering - code to model, code to diagram+Instant Reverse for Java, C++, XML Schema, XML, DotNET exe/dll, CORBA IDL+Auto-synchronization between source code and diagrams+Use Case Details Editor - An all-in-one environment for specifying a use case`s details including general model specification and use case descriptions+Full Screen Diagram Editing - Maximizes the diagramming area+Sweeper - Drag to sweep shapes aside to make room for creating new shapes.
+EJB Diagram - Visualize EJB systems.
+EJB Code Generation and Deployment - Generate beans for your application development and deployment.
+ORM support - generate Java objects from database+Database generation - ERD to database tables+Database reverse - existing DBMS to ERD+PDF/HTML Report generator+Automatic diagram layout - rearrange shapes and connectors in diagrams+Import XMI file /export XMI file+Import Rational Rose project file+Microsoft Visio Integration - draw UML diagrams with stencils from MS Visio+Plugin and template+Version control+More...

Other UML modelling Tools / UML Plugins:
Windows Platform:+SDE for MS Visual Studio .NET
Java Platform (Windows/Linux/Mac OS X):+SDE for Oracle JDeveloper+SDE for IBM WebSphere+SDE for JBuilder+SDE for IntelliJ IDEA+SDE for Eclipse+SDE for NetBeans+SDE for Sun ONE+SDE for WebLogic Workshop+More SDE...
 « read more about Visual Paradigm for UML (Professional Edition) for Windows 5.0


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 » ImageZoom 1
ImageZoom allows your site visitors to take a closer look at the images/photo on your web pages. Visitor can zoom in your images by clicking on the images. You can customize the number of zoom level and panning speed from one side to another easily. The s ... | 0 | Win 3.1/95MS DOS Unix / Linux | $15 | Downloads: 1348
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Message Banner 1
Message Banner Java Applet enables web developers to post a list of important messages at a corner of your screen! It has the ability to animate the message contents, as well as the appearance of this message banner can be customized exactly the way you w ... | 0 | Platform independent | $15 | Downloads: 1327
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Image Today Java Applet -Single License 1.0
You can schedule pictures to display on a specific day, month, or even minutes! Also, it has the ability to change pictures within a giving time period or specific dates and minutes. This applet would be great for changing background `automatically` for a ... | 0 | Win 3.1/95MS DOS Unix / Linux | $12 | Downloads: 1304
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Color Up 1.0
Java Applet which transform the color of a picture gradually from gray to full color, and vice versa. Ability to use as buttons and jumps anywhere desired. You have Full control to the speed which animates the color. Excellent way to create a `bring back ... | 0 | Win 95MS DOS Unix / Linux OS/2 | $15 | Downloads: 1433
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » AMSMenu Applet 1
AMSMenu Applet is an update from its predecessor, the EggMenu Appletwhere it is a compact, simple, interactive and highly configureable menu applet where you can add as many menus and submenus as you wish. The registered version will come with all the nec ... | 0 | Platform independent | $29 | Downloads: 1775
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Javir HybridList package 1.1
Database is useless without indexes. Business application is inefficient without sorted collections. HybridList package is a handy and efficient solution for managing sorted lists, dictionaries, hash-tables, etc. Main features: - it is very FAST: better ... | 0 | Platform independent | $12.95 | Downloads: 1338
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » XML Convert 2.2
XML Convert is a Java application that converts legacy data into XML and vice versa. It can also convert a flat file from one format to another. XML Convert handles a wide variety of file formats, including delimited fields and records, CSV, fixed length ... | 0 | Platform independent | $1000 | Downloads: 1339
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » WebCream Professional Edition 4.0
WebCream is a unique tool for Java, that provides completely automated web-enabling for GUI based Java applications and applets. WebCream allows developers to implement a GUI front end using AWT and Swing, and at the same time automatically get HTML acces ... | 0 | Platform independent | $4950 | Downloads: 1369
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » WebCream Enterprise Edition 4.0
WebCream is a unique tool for Java, that provides completely automated web-enabling for GUI based Java applications and applets. WebCream allows developers to implement a GUI front end using AWT and Swing, and at the same time automatically get HTML acces ... | 0 | Platform independent | $9950 | Downloads: 1325
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » WebCream Enterprise Edition with Source Code 4.0
WebCream is a unique tool for Java, that provides completely automated web-enabling for GUI based Java applications and applets. WebCream allows developers to implement a GUI front end using AWT and Swing, and at the same time automatically get HTML acces ... | 0 | Platform independent | $15950 | Downloads: 1333
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Jazz3D - 3D API for Java 3
Jazz3D is a 3D graphics API for Java. It is very powerful, and extremely easy to use. Features include: texture mapping, accurate collision detection, real-time image processing, bilinear filtering - the list goes on. Also included in the package is a co ... | 0 | Platform independent | $70 | Downloads: 1269
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » TreeTable applet - advanced version 1.012
TreeTable applet - an unique Java tree/grid applet. If you want to represent your information dynamically, need to show hierarchical information in a comfortable way, or looking for a way to have a sortable grid, TreeTable applet is the right solution fo ... | 0 | Platform independent | $249 | Downloads: 1361
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » TIFFY Toolkit for Java (Single Developer License) 2.0
Developer Toolkit for Java applets / applications. Provides functions to load, view, process and print TIFF, GIF, JPG, BMP and PNG images. Many compressions (e.g. CCITT Fax Gr. 3 and 4) supported. Example framework with sourcode wich can be used to enhanc ... | 0 | Win 95Unix / Linux OS/2 Macint | $350 | Downloads: 1367
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » JTree - advanced tree applet 1.07
Almost any application has some hierachically organized data. JTree is our solution how to represent it. JTree is a light-weight (only 50 Kb`s) applet based on AWT, which runs on Java 1.1. Therefore the applet works in browsers Netscape and Ineternet Expl ... | 0 | Platform independent | $149 | Downloads: 1419
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » The JetChart Library - 01 year support renewal plus binary upgrade 1.8
The JetChart Library is a set of java classes that generates different types of charts, and can be easily integrated into applets, servlets and java applications to generate quality graphs with a minimum effort. ... | 0 | Platform independent | $100 | Downloads: 1377
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » ImageZoom 2 2.0
ImageZoom 2 Java Applet allows your site visitors to take a closer look at the images/photos inside your web pages, but also offers additional control features. A gradual zoom and gradual pan are only some of the new features found with ImageZoom2. Image ... | 0 | Win 3.1/95MS DOS Unix / Linux | $24.95 | Downloads: 1394
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » ObjectRotate 1
Java ObjectRotate gives you the ability to make objects seemingly rotate on your web page. The applet can rotate objects to the right or to the left, allowing you to see the object itself from all sides. ObjectRotate is the perfect solution for e-commerce ... | 0 | Win 3.1/95MS DOS Unix / Linux | $15 | Downloads: 1337
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » ObjectRotate / 10 Licenses 1
... | 0 | Win 3.1/95MS DOS Unix / Linux | $100 | Downloads: 1257
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » Sothink CoolMenu 3.0
Sothink CoolMenu is a flexible menu tool to create pop-up Java menu. Using CoolMenu, users can create unlimited menu items at their pleasure without knowing HTML or Java codes. It provides two ways to create a new effect so that users can select a well- ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $25 | Downloads: 1477
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
 » JCreator Pro : 1-user License 2.50
JCreator is an integrated development environment for Java programmers. For use in conjunction with the Java Developer Kit (JDK™) from Sun Microsystems. JCreator provides the user with a wide range of functionality such as : Project management, proj ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $69 | Downloads: 1378
Date added: Sep 22, 2005 |  » Details
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